How it works

****How things work around here****

There will be a prompt described by a member. You have to write a piece as per the guidelines given.Once you publish your post on the web, please add your name and the full link to your writing on the Linky widget at the bottom of the prompt post.

You are also required to read the other linked works and comment your review on that specific post's comment section (not here at this page. You can leave a comment here ....anything you wish...but please do leave your valuable feedback at the author's page)

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Weep not for roads untravelled

The very first challenge of the club. 

There is always a secret longing within us about the roads untraveled. Something that you wanted to do but could not. Something that haunts you. A lost love or a lost opportunity.

Would it have been worth a shot? Did we miss something life altering?

The song by Linkin Park is one of my favorites and below I post their lyrics.
For additional inspiration here is their song

Weep not for roads untraveled
Weep not for paths left alone
'Cause beyond every bend
Is a long blinding end
It's the worst kind of pain
I've known

Give up your heart left broken
And let that mistake pass on
'Cause the love that you lost
Wasn't worth what it cost
And in time you'll be glad it's gone


Weep not for roads untraveled
Weep not for sights unseen
May your love never end
And if you need a friend
There's a seat here alongside me

Pour out your agony in the form of a poem of not more than 50 words. Let us start small and fix the teething problems as we grow. Most important is to write, link up and visit every link shared. You can add images to your post but please ensure to mention the source.

The links to fella participants in the prompt are listed down. Just click on the name and transported you will be. So link up below...give the exact link to your post. After hitting enter on the widget , please do check if your name is added to the list. In case of some technical failure when you cannot add your link, please leave your name and link in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. My take on the prompt is about a pet I could not keep. I hope more inhabitants come into the castle and turn this into a rocking spot.
